The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come to pass…
With the Wheel of Time becoming a TV show on Amazon Prime last year, some very dedicated and talented builders including Brick Ninja, Douglas Hughes of Hughes Bricks, and jnj_bricks united to bring us a series of incredible MOCs from the first book in the saga, ‘The Eye of the World’. Fans of the book will instantly recognise the enormous amount of attention to detail crammed into every inch of these models, while non-fans and TV viewers will appreciate the excellent techniques and resulting structures that have emerged from the minds of these builders.

From the faces in the stone of the fireplace to the worn stone roof of Shadar Logoth, this has to be one of the most book-accurate and detailed LEGO MOCs we have ever seen, with every post on Flickr being accompanied by the transcript that describes the scene or location.

To support and follow these builders you can find them group on Flickr at
Brick Ninja:
Douglas Hughes (Hughes Bricks):
Joe (jnj_bricks):