I am a Jedi, like my father before me! One of the most impactful scenes of the entire Star Wars saga gets the LEGO diorama treatment, and the designers nail the look of this brick-built replica. Swipe for our full review!

If you think our overall score is too harsh, keep in mind that our reviews look at 5 criteria. This is the kind of set you buy for the iconic scene and the characters, so it doesn't need to score highly in all categories. While we do not recommend this set for the Part Selection, we absolutely recommend it for the Display Value! The overall score is for comparing sets generally, when all sets have different focuses. Have we turned to the Dark Side and been too critical?

Shoutout to @hachiroku94 for the fantastic set upgrade on Slide 7!
[Review products provided by the LEGO Group, but all opinions are our own and honest - we don’t have to praise sets to keep receiving them.]