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#2367 MOC OF THE WEEK: Rubber Duccaneers by Random Vector

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Grab your swords and hoist your sails - we’re plundering soap and suds seeking treasure! Today’s MOC of the Week is an adorable build by Random Vector that won Third Place in BrickNerd’s Summer 2022 pi-RATS and BUG-aneers-themed build contest - and it’s not hard to see why!

Be sure to check out their Photostream on Flickr: Random Vector

#2367 MOC OF THE WEEK:Rubber Duccaneers by Random Vector  Don't be fooled by their beguiling appearance, these rubber duckies be sailin' the high seas lookin' for bricks!   SWIPE TO SEE MORE  Image shown is the main MOC to be featured in this post. A sail boat made out of bathtub with a shower spout at the stern and duck head at the bow. It has a tall blue and yellow sail and is covered with mini rubber ducks. There are cannons firing from its side. It is flanked by two smaller sail boats, each themselves covered with rubber ducks. These three total boats sit atop a layer of white and clear brick build suds and bubbles.

You’re Going to Need a Bigger Tub:  This MOC was Random Vector’s entry into BrickNerd’s 2022 piRATS and BUGaneers Contest – and it won third place!  The rules of the contest were simple: show your take on a pirate build – but no humans allowed! We think the builder found real treasure with this MOC!  Image is a close up of the flagship. Part 49661pb01 - a yellow rubber duck - is highlighted.

NPU:  The builder utilizes bricks in unique ways to achieve some clever NPU! Just check out that shower!  Image is the same as the front page one: all three sail boats. Several parts are highlighted to showcase NPU. First, there is part 43675 - a blue corrugated tube, used as a floatie wrapped around a rubber duck. Then part 71137a and 25214 - in metallic chrome - are used as part of the shower faucet. Lastly, parts 30340, 15470 , and 25991 are pointed out to show how they come together to make the cannon ports.

Bubbles  What a quack! Random Vector ensured the rubber duckies were comfortable in their natural habitat: a bubble bath!  Image is a close up of the left half of the main photo. Several parts are featured to understand how the bubbles are made. Part 30106, a trans clear magic ball, part 3626 a trans clear minifigure head, and part 50747, a round windscreen, in transclear are all pointed out.

Did you say, “bubbles”? Trans-clear windshields, crystal balls, and even minifig heads were used to replicate bubbles!  Pirates burst your bubble? Don’t worry there’s plenty to go around!  Image is close up of the right half of the main photo. Several trans clear parts are highlighted. They are part 30151, a vase; part 87752, an oval windscreen; part 51283, a round ball; and part 43898, a round 2 by 2 radar dish.

Sailing the Seven Suds: While the flagship uses a more recent sail from 2018, the smaller ships in the armada use sails that are 30 years old! Part x66px8 is from 1995 while multipls06 was last seen in 1994!  Image is highlighting the two sails from the side sailboats. On the left, part x66px8 - a white sail with red and white stripes - is shown. On the right is part multipls06 - a white sail with red and blue triangle decorations.

Techniques: Through sponges made from jumper plates, and suds from a variety of curved slope bricks, Random Vector showcases their skills to recreate complex shapes out of plastic!  There are two images: a top and bottom. The top image is a close up of the main sailboat. In focus are the four parts that comprise the brick-built sponges. Headlight brick 4070 in trans clear holds bar element 87994, which is finally topped by the sponge itself: two pieces of part 3794b in dark green and yellow.  The bottom image is meant to point out the way curved pieces are used to create the circular bubbles. All in white are parts 50950, 11477, and 6091.

If this MOC left you wanting to throw on your life preserver and head out to open waters, please be sure to check out Random Vector on Flickr before you go!  There are five total images - all of LEGO MOCs by the same builder: Random Vector. Clockwise from top left they are as follows: a tree house on a cliff side; a Dungeon and Dragons treasure chest; a green frog alien; a large eagle ridden by a green-caped soldier; and a large black katana with a green LED edge.


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