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Today our Beginner Series is branching out to cover TREES! We will take yew on a journey of discovery with Professor Tipsen Bricks! A variety of techniques will be reviewed to spruce up your MOCs! Tree-t yourself to some knowledge, and have a tree-rific day!

#2535 LESSON 15: Landscaping Trees Hi, I am Professor Tipsen Bricks! Today we will grow through the basics of building TREES! BEGiNNER SERiES Use this series as a resource if you are new to building, or if you want to branch out your skills and knowledge!

Tree Basics We’re going to leaf you with this bit of knowledge: to aid in creating realistic trees, remember the combined thickness of a tree’s branches at any height of the tree MUST equal its trunk’s perimeter!  21338 Here's a few examples of brick-built trees featured in official sets: There's no right or wrong answer to making your own LEGO trees! 10316 10308 21326 Big & small,  short or tall,  all trees are welcome!

Tree Building Elements By mixing and matching parts and colors, you can recreate almost any species of tree! Try round bricks, cones, SNOT bricks, arches and more! 3941 These are some common tree building elements that can get you started! 6148 2682 2417 6064 32607 2423 65473 4589b 2339 18653 4733 98284 37762 40379 Try white for Birch trees!

Tree Trunks: Stacking This method allows for efficient use of parts and can help to quickly populate a dense forest MOC. This approach to tree building involves stacking elements to gain height.  1. 3. 2. 4. 13965 3705 30099 78666 4519 2339 2339 18653 29119 3941 Add axles to the center for stability!

Tree Trunks: SNOT This method is more parts intensive but offers a greater organic look! By using several 1x1 bricks with 4 studs, this trunk is more circular and wider with Studs Not On Top!  1. 3. 2. 4. 40379 18653 40379 4460 4733 Set 75353 uses a similar technique! Check post #2433 for more in-depth SNOT info!

Deciduous Trees 1. 3. 2. 87994 Leaf coverage and attachment points are main considerations for these builds.  Note: Tree trunk from Slide 4  11090 26047 37695 2339 This plant stem goes through the small leaf into the big one, so the small leaf doesn’t fall off!  Swap green leaves for orange and yellow to mimic fall foliage!

Coniferous Trees Because they mostly feature a straight trunk and tapering branches, the central structure is similar across methods. Fraser Fir  There’s a few ways to achieve pine and other coniferous trees! 1. 2. 4733 3. Note: Alternate brick faces See Tree Trunks: SNOT Try white elements for a snow-covered effect!

Palm Trees Sabal palmetto Tubing as the central spine allows for flexible bending and more organic angles! 75c07 54200 1. 2. 4733 Note: Rotate SNOT Brick faces Visit CaptainDarknStormy on  Rebrickable for full instructions! BDP Series 2 Ominous Isle Palm trees are a must in any pirate build! @captaindarknstormy

Fantasy Trees Mix and match color combinations of elements from Slide 6, step 1 to create your own fantastical tree!  Whimsical and wild, don’t be afraid to break the norm with fantasy trees! Check out this great Ideas Challenge entry! 1. 2. 65473 3941 3036 98313 FrodoPytlicek on LEGO Ideas

Additional Resources Thanks fir coming along with us on this journey today!    For more great building tips,check out these other posts! We also have additional tree techniques in PDF form, available for purchase through our webstore!

Featuring builds by @captaindarknstormy and FrodoPytlicek on LEGO Ideas.

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