It's Sunday, so today I will be showcasing 6 interesting techniques from MOCs on Flickr that you can use for landscapes. It can be hard to accurately depict natural environments, so let's take a look at 6 techniques that can be used:

1. Studs showing - plates are used with their studs showing to give a rugged texture - by Izavagooba
2. Patches of snow - slopes of white are added to plates to create a visual contrast between the bright white and natural colours - by Matt Hew
3. Slopes and curves - a mixture of different sized slopes and curves are used to simulate the natural slopes and curves of a natural environment - by norlego
4. Wedge plates - wedge plates are used to create gradual inclines and declines in the landscape - by Izavagooba
5. Scattered sections - various sections of slopes and other parts are "scattered" on the landscape, to build up an uneven and natural environment - by Nick Runia
6. Marbled slopes - grey slopes to build a incline with green slopes thrown in to show mossy rock and break up the grey - by Classical Bricks
So which one would you use in your MOC? Comment your favourite, and if you have any designs for landscapes of your own or ones that you have found or used in your MOC, please share those as well.