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It's Sunday, so today I will be showcasing 6 techniques. Here are 6 door designs, where some have a sliding feature, some utilize SNOT techniques and some are very detailed. Let's take a look at them:

1. Technic liftarms sliding door - this uses a technique for sliding doors I have never seen before, and looks like it would work well if you were able to integrate it into your MOC.

MOC by Steam-Heart:

2. Imperial fort door - this technique uses hinges to position brown plates and create a wooden door.

MOC by soccersynderi:

3. Technic gear sliding door - this door can slide using gears along a rail, and is very easy to get into your MOC if you have some space on either side of the door.

Unfortunately I was unable to find the builder of the MOC pictured, but I thought it was more of a generic technique and worth featuring.

4. The “Glided Cup” Inn door - this has some great details for the stone frame, as well as a nice texture and handle.

MOC by Jonas Wide:

5. SNOT-Arch door - this technique uses hinges to position the brown pieces of the door inside the arch, integrating them nicely into the wall.

MOC by Petar Jurkovic:

6. Uridius’ Keep Castle drawbridge - this door is well textured, and also has a drawbridge that can be pulled up to protect it.

MOC by Robert 4168:

So which one is your favourite? If you have any designs of your own or ones that you have found/used in your MOC, please share those in the comments below.

1 Comment

Dec 29, 2020

Link to the Gilded Cup is incorrect - try

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