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#366 MOC of (the first half of 2018): You Decide!

As we are now half way through 2018, I thought it would be good to reflect on the MOCs I have featured so far this year, and let you guys vote for your favourite, to crown MOC of the (the first half of) 2018.

I've featured to many to just have one post out the end of the year, so I have narrowed down all those featured to the 10 of the best.

To vote, please go through each photo and like your favourites. In the event that it is a draw or there aren't enough votes, I will pick my own favourite (or possibly the one with most likes on its own post).

The options are:

1. Inside a Poke Ball by Grant Davis 2. MFS-019 Octopus by Moko 3. Micro cities by Jeff Friesen 4. Micro-scale Troy by Letranger Absurde 6. Sandtrooper and Dewback by LEGO7 7. Temples in the Jungle of Celestia by By Jonas Wide 8. The Ghost by Brick Vault 9. Bedroom by Quy Chau 10. Hot Dogs Food Truck by LEGO7

May the best MOC win! Announcement of the winner will be next Monday.

(Winner revealed, check post #373)


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