This week's was submitted by Samuele Favaro from Italy. We will look at his recreation of the Allianz Arena in Germany which shows great details on a microscale, which shows his skill with small scales. You can find some of his other builds on Tommy Bricks Facebook page:

The Allianz Arena is an arena in Germany that is widely known for its full colour changing exterior panels. This have been captured with curved slopes, that give a smooth but textured surface to the arena. The 75,000 seats the arena contains have been represented with built up plates, as well as the various colours of the pitch and outline of the arena that help contrast to the overall white colour scheme.
A stand out technique is the use of turntable to position the corners of the arena. The sides are made with 1x4 SNOT bricks and can be angled at 45 degrees because of the tiles underneath, allowing them to sit on the turntable. This technique looks great as it is integrated into the design very well, and hardly visible if you didn't know about it!
A great finishing touch is the display stand, which gives the arena a base with the German flag proudly being represented, alongside a football player.