Firstly I want to start by saying thank you to everyone for supporting this page in it's first year! I'm so pleased to have reached all 3,918 followers and to continue to share my content with everyone else out there.

I have many plans that I will be rolling out this July, many of which will allow you guys to access my content in new and improved ways, such as:
Instagram account: all posts will be uploaded to Instagram - coming later this week
Website: this will allow for the organisation of all posts and help you find the techniques and tips you need - coming this July
This week, I will also be posting about a giveaway I am doing for the first year anniversary. All you have to do to enter is answer a 3 minute survey that will inform me about what you want from Tips&Bricks in the future.
As well as this, I am working on a new builders handbook, which will include all the techniques I have posted this year; over 100! A physical copy will be available to purchase once the website is set up, but don't worry, all of the basic techniques and tips handbooks on the community group will stay there and still be free to download.
Thanks to you guys, I'm able to expand the page to reach more of the LEGO building community and I'm excited for what the future holds. Here's to another great year! 📷