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#2387 FAVORITE BRICK FRIDAY: 1 x 3 x 1 Doors

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Open the door to using these pieces in unique ways! This piece from 1978 is still in production today, so let’s look at some MOCS that use the door for detailing and creating angles.

#2387 FAVORITE BRICK FRIDAY: 1 x 3 x 1 Doors Open the door to using these pieces in unique ways! Images of a Republic Gunship by SiberianScholar Image of an Octan gas truck by @haulingbricks Image of Mecha Sonic by @optimus_convoy  Image of a gift wrapping truck by @marinbrickdesign

History of Part 3821 and 3822  The Door 1 x 3 x 1 Left and Right debuted in 1978 in white, red, and yellow and now appears in 16 colors!  Image of 621 Police Car, a small 4-stud wide, white and black vehicle. Image of 640 Fire Truck and Trailer, a small, 4-stud wide, red vehicle with trailer attachment. Image of 674 Forklift & Truck, a small, 4-stud wide truck and forklift in yellow and blue. It also has had 29 printed / stickered versions from unique sets. Images of 6 different doors with varying designs and colors on them.  A versatile use of this piece are the round bricks that the door hinges on that allows it to be angled like here on Anakin’s Podracer #7131. Image of the box art of 7131 Anakin Podracer and a zoomed in photo of the cockpit that shows the door being used at an angle. Still in production today mostly as doors, let’s look at some MOCS that use the door for detailing and creating angles.

Before looking at uses outside of its intended purpose, here are some unique vehicles that use the door…as a door. Image of Mr. Plow from The Simpsons by @benbuildslego, a red truck with a plow on the front. Image of an Octan gas truck by @haulingbricks. It has the iconic white, red and green color scheme.  Living up to their username, this stair truck keeps the 4-stud scale originally introduced by Lego.  Image of a stair truck by @demarco4stud. It has a blue lower half and white upper half.  Image of an old timey pickup truck by @keep_on_bricking. It is a black pickup truck with a minifig in the back wearing a fedora and holding a camera.

This micro-scale Republic Gunship uses both the 1 x 3 x 1 Door and the 1 x 3 x 2 Door to create the angle of the hull. Image of said micro-scale Republic Gunship by SiberianScholar with angled doors at the front hull.  Part 3189, Door 1 by 3 by 2 Left, White  Part 3822, Door 1 by 3 by 1 Left, White

And this UCS style ARC-170 by @martin_latta_thire5 uses the door to round off the back of the vehicle. Images of the UCS ARC-170 from the front, side and back.  The hinge’s versatility allows it to seamlessly cover the panels gaps. Close up image of the back with the doors smoothing out the angled panels and their gaps.

Drawing design inspiration from the 2021 Lego Star Wars GWP, this is the most a-door-able Death Star Trench Run. Image of the 40451 Tatoonie Homestead. Image of @empirebricks’ miniscale Death Star Trench Run with a X-Wing being chased by a TIE Advanced with turrets firing at it. 2 by 4 Tiles make up the TIE Advanced Wings while the doors create the S-Foils of the X-Wing.

These builds are a part of a larger Christmas advent calendar and uses the doors as gift wrapping paper!  Image of a gift wrap truck by @marinbrickdesign. It is a red truck with a large green present in the back with an open service window with a minifig working it. While the truck uses the doors on the exterior, inside is where the wrapping station is! Image of a step of the instructions that show the doors being used as gift wrapping paper in yellow, blue and red.  Image of Santa’s Wrapping Machine, a machine that has the wrapping paper on the side. The machine has a conveyer belt with presents coming out of it neatly wrapped. An elf is on the side. Instructions for these builds and many others are also available for free on Rebrickable for the eventual holiday season!

E-102 Gamma was introduced in Sonic Adventure and was one of many characters you could play as from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Image of E-102 Gamma from the video game. Images of E-102 Gamma by Aggravator from the front and back.  Gamma’s body is built upside down so that this piece could be used to create the shape of its body.  Part 3822 Door 1 by 3 by  1 Left, Red is shown on the back. Part 13548, Wedge 2 by 2 (Slope 45 Corner), Red is shown on the breakdown of the body that is built upside down. Part 28326, Vehicle, Mudguard 4 by 3 by 1 with Arch Curved, Bright Light Yellow is used as Gamma’s “brow line.”

And not one, but two Sonic characters featured, this is Mecha Sonic, not to be confused with Metal Sonic.  Image of Mecha Sonic by @optimus_convoy.  Rare colours make up the head including pieces from the short-lived Hockey theme and a Spider-Man set.  Part 43559, Bionicle Shoulder Armor, Toa Nuva, Blue is used for its forehead. Part 15362, Hero Factory Weapon, Blade Wide Curved, Blue makes up the quills. The doors cover the structure of the legs. Part 3821, Door 1 by 3 by 1 Right, Blue is shown on the legs.

Check out more of these talented builders!  Image of @martin_latta_thire5 ‘s Jedi Interceptor in maroon. Image of @demarco4stud ‘s small red truck. Image of @haulingbricks city construction wheel loader. Image of @optimus_convoy ‘s Axonn, a character from Bionicle.  And let us know how you would use this piece in your next MOC!

Featuring builds by:





SiberianScholar on Rebrickable 


EmpireBricks on Rebrickable


Aggravator on Rebrickable



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