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#2436 TECHNIQUE ANALYSIS: Working Card Shuffler by Pedro Lara

Who would’ve thought that such a complicated mechanical MOC could be so classy! Today, we’ll be looking at @lara_bricks's Working Ornate Card Shuffler, and insanely impressive build capable of shuffling a deck of cards!

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Working Ornate Card Shuffler by Pedro Lara. Out of all the functional MOCs we've shown over the years, this might be one of the coolest we've seen. The MOC is a black and gold box that can shuffle a deck of cards after the deck is split and put into two hoppers.

The trick that keeps things running smoothly is creating a super small gap that only one or two cards can fit through by using 3733, 62462, and 30648. "

For full transparency, Pedro is a member of the Tips&Bricks. We don't usually feature members of our team on the blog, but we all loved this build and thought you, our followers, would too.

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A basic 24 tooth gear and a bevel gear are used to drive an axle the length of the build. The whole thing is powered by a 9v motor (the cheapest motor set on the market).

The drawer itself is a really easily overlooked part of the build, but there are some really great SNOT connections and inversions! Slopes, inverted slopes, 1x2 brackets, and inverted 1x2 brackets are all used to form an extremely strong build."

We can't overlook how stylish this MOC is on top of its great use of Technic! The build is primarily black, with some nice gold accents to give it an art-deco look. Wagon wheels, vines, ingots, and teeth are all used."

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If you enjoyed today’s post, we have some great news; this MOC is currently a project on LEGO Ideas! It’s by Pedro Lara, and has 2218 supporters with 578 days left. Lego has been doing a lot of functional builds lately, so who knows; this one might have a pretty good shot!


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