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Women have been in LEGO sets as long as figures have been in LEGO sets, but over the years, we have seen big changes in their representation. In this first part, we’ll be giving an overview of female representation in LEGO, from maxi-figs to mini-dolls. In the next part, we’ll bring more detail and analyse the successes and failures.
What do you think of how LEGO has portrayed women over the years? Comment below!

We're a long way from a 50/50 gender equality representation, that "homemaker" theme with hobbies, carer duties, selling cupcakes and having fun is still throughout Friends ("for girls") where City ("for boys") is somewhat more balanced.
Question: would you give a minidoll a driving licence? Reaching the steering wheel should be a prerequisite but they're not designed to... I'd struggle to come across a minidoll who has taken any exams, or reached any educational attainment, for the role she is playing.
GPA Calculator is amazing