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LEGO products have referenced many different cultures around the world, but unevenly. While some LEGO depictions of culture have been deeply respectful, others have exoticized cultures in an insensitive and inappropriate way. In addition, some cultures have been given more importance than others, while other cultures are conspicuously absent.
Today, we’re looking at selected examples of how LEGO has represented (and misrepresented) various cultures over the years.

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This article is full of inaccuracies, misinformation, and biased interpretations of innocent toy products. Like it or not war features as an integral part of human evolution, society, and condition. These products should not be denigrated because they were developed from a Western angle, with many ten or twenty or more years old. Applying contemporary values to past works represents a slippery slope of moral relativism because the past will never be able to live up to today’s standards because the people who made these the things in past saw issues differently. Much of this article’s criticism focuses on undermining the scientific advancements pioneered out of the Enlightenment as Europeans began exploring the planet and cataloging its many wonderful flora,…