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#621 Favourite Brick Friday: 2343 Minifigure Goblet

This week's favourite brick is a rather unique piece, the goblet. It's appeared in sets ever since 1986 and is usually just used in the hands of minifigures. Fortunately for us, to unlock the secrets of it's uses, builders on Flickr set about using it in creative MOCs for a ABS challenge. This challenge involved using a seed part, in this case the goblet, and coming up with interesting and unique applications for it.

It was hard to choose my favourites, but I love the uses in Paul's London skyline, Classical Bricks' unique railing and Mark for his many interesting applications. Check out all three posts and all the other entries on the Flickr group here:

Here is the piece on Bricklink:{"color":"95","iconly":0}

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