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#695 TECHNIQUES: Irregularly shaped bases

Especially when first starting out with building MOCs, it can be great to just grab a baseplate and build. However, you can also choose to make your own irregularly shaped bases which can lead to some interesting designs that really change the flavour of the MOC and give it character!

We asked for submissions on Instagram and had over 100 awesome creations to look through! Therefore it was very hard to pick our favourites but we narrowed it down to our top 6 in no particular order that use irregular bases in different ways. Which one is your favourite?

Also we would usually collate the 6 MOCs into one image, but so you can see each one in better detail, we choose to just posted them individually. Please let us know if you prefer this or not!

Links in order of appearance:

1 By Ralf Langer:

2 By Graeme Straughn:

3 By KevFett2011:

4 By Deborah Higdon:

5 By KevFett2011:

6 By EdgelessAbyss:


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