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#204 TIPS: In-depth SNOT calculations (Part 2)

After last week's successful post on SNOT calculations, I thought I would make another one applying what we learnt and adding on a bit more, in terms of getting rid of gaps when using SNOT. If you haven't read Part 1 yet that go back and read it!

As discussed last week, the 5:2 ratio is very important. This ratio means that 2 plate width is equal to 5 plates height, and 1 plate width is equal to 2.5 plate height.

When you apply this to using SNOT to build vertically we encounter some problems. The two bricks we will use are the 1x2 modified brick with studs on one side and the 2x2 modified plate with studs. The modified brick has its studs placed at the top of the brick and the modified plate has them placed at the bottom. This is important as sometimes a small gap will be created that is too small to fit a plate in. This gap is because as discussed above, 1 plate width is equal to 2.5 plate height, so there is a 0.5 plate gap if you only build up 2 plates. Fortunately, this is not hard to fix for the modified plate, as a bracket piece (pictured) can be used to fill in this gap nicely. However, the modified brick has its gap at the bottom so more tiles are needed to remove all gaps.

This gap should only appear when trying to use an odd number of plates, as when the plate height is 2, the plate width is 5. These are whole numbers, so it means that when a 1x2 brick is placed horizontally, as long as a plate height of 5 is left there will be no gaps.

As always, if you are unsure about what you have read in this post, go back and read it again, look over the attached picture, and feel free to ask questions down in the comments and I will be happy to help.


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