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#475 Favourite Brick Friday: 30489 8 x 16 Sports Field Section

This week's favourite brick is the 8 x 16 Sports Field Section; a pretty rare piece having only appeared in 13 sets from 2000 - 2006.

Despite its use in these sets as a base, it can be used to create a tower as has been done by Kloou. on Flickr. He creates a 10 sided structure using this piece, linking them with together with clips. He also attached 4x4 dishes in the empty space of the field section, which adds some more detail.

I had certainly never seen this piece before I saw it in Kloou.'s MOC; had you?

For more pictures of the UFO Green Tower, check out his album on Flickr:

Here is the piece on Bricklink:{"color":"6","iconly":0}


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