Happy New Year everyone! Thanks as always for your continued support to keep the page running, and we have lots of exciting and new plans for continued content coming in 2019!

We're thrilled to announce our next Tips&Bricks handbook, which we have been brainstorming about after all the useful feedback you provided after our first product. You wanted more tutorials and actual building instructions, so we have chosen to make a handbook specifically looking at techniques to create trees for your MOCs!
We're currently looking for techniques to include and if you have any tree designs and techniques you would like to submit, drop us an email at contact.tipsandbricks@gmail.com. The builds of the techniques featured will receive the handbook for free, so if you have one please do submit it!
Check out some of the techniques pictured for some awesome tree techniques, which we plan to be detailed in the upcoming handbook:
By Chris Maddison: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmaddison/36392909255/in/gallery-130093880@N02-72157670639513198/
By James Shields: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lostcarpark/17026530504/in/album-72157652952649032/
By Carson Hart: https://www.flickr.com/photos/58252782@N06/7156222784
Thanks again for a great 2018 and let's work to make 2019 even better!