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#380 Monday's MOC of the Week: Sacrilege Against Quetzalcoatl

Today's MOC feature is a build that caught my eye straight away with its glorious colours, but looking closer it uses some great techniques. The build is titled 'Sacrilege Against Quetzalcoatl', and was built by Aaron Newman. Check out his post here:

Of course, the Feathered Serpent is a highlight of the build, with some great part usage for the feathers and a gold trimming that ties all the other colours together.

The temple below is also very well designed, with blazing fires at the entrance and the perfect amount of detailing and marbling on the surfaces. The temple also has very few gaps despite the angles that are achieved.

Make sure to check out the link above to follow John Cheng for more mystical beasts as well as micro-scale castle and even his own custom theme - Body Battlers!

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